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73 docs tagged with "Build"

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Avalanche Block Explorer

These Avalanche Block Explorers allow you to query historical Mainnet, testnet, and Subnet block data.

Avalanche C-Chain Settings

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network. Get connected with Avalanche C-Chain Settings

Avalanche Network Runner

The Avalanche Network Runner (ANR) allows a user to define, create and interact with a network of Avalanche nodes. It can be used for development and testing.

Avalanche Network Runner Commands

The Avalanche Network Runner (ANR) allows a user to define, create and interact with a network of Avalanche nodes. It can be used for development and testing.

Build Your First Subnet

This tutorial walks you through the process of using Avalanche-CLI to create a Subnet, deploy it to a local network, and connect to it with Core wallet.

Building on the C-Chain

Avalanche C-Chain is a blockchain that can run all the Solidity smart contracts from Ethereum, but with much greater transaction bandwidth and instant finality from Avalanche's revolutionary consensus mechanism.

C-Chain Exchange Integration

The objective of this document is to provide a brief overview of how to integrate with the EVM-Compatible Avalanche C-Chain.

Deploy a Smart Contract on Avalanche Using thirdweb

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network.

Deploy an ERC-721 NFT Collection on Avalanche

This tutorial will walkthrough deploying a basic ERC-721 (NFT) smart contract on the Avalanche Network. This is a beginner friendly tutorial; No previous development experience necessary.

Elastic Subnets Parameters

This reference describes the structural parameters of an Elastic (Permissionless) Subnet and illustrates the constraints they must satisfy.

Fuji Workflow

An end-to-end walkthrough of necessary development activities for a bare-bones decentralized application.

How to Build a Simple VM From Scratch

This is a language-agnostic high-level documentation explaining the basics of how to get started at implementing your own virtual machine from scratch.

How to Use Avalanche-CLI to Transfer P-Chain Funds

If you need to send funds to your Subnet control key or need to move funds from one Ledger address index to another, this guide will demonstrate how to enable direct transfers between ledger P-Chain addresses using the Avalanche-CLI command `avalanche key transfer`.

Introduction to Virtual Machines

A Virtual Machine is a blueprint for a blockchain. VMs can define anything you want, but will generally define transactions that are executed and how blocks are created.

Launch an Ethereum Dapp on Avalanche

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network.

Using Truffle with the Avalanche C-Chain

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network.

WAGMI Subnet

The WAGMI ("We're All Going to Make It") Subnet is a high throughput testbed for EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) optimizations. It is parameterized to run at a factor more capacity than Fuji/Mainnet C-Chain and will is used to experiment with release candidates before included in an official Coreth release.

When to Build on a Subnet vs. on the C-Chain

In this article, we discuss often-overlooked differentiating characteristics of Subnets, with a primary focus on EVM-based applications, to help developers determine the best place to launch their application.

Writing Test Cases

In this tutorial, we will go over the different ways we can write test cases for our stateful precompile.